Dead Kennedys, Auckland NZ, 2018

Dead Kennedys performing live in Auckland, New Zealand, 2018. Image by Doug Peters.

Dead Kennedys
10th November 2018
Powerstation, Auckland, New Zealand.

Review by Sarah Kidd. Photography by Doug Peters.

Ask anyone leaving the sold-out Dead Kennedys show last night if it was worth it and all you would have got in return would have been a huge grin.

Because it really was. Just. That. Good.

Doors had barely opened at Auckland’s Powerstation before bodies started flooding through, old school Dead Kennedys t-shirts intermingling with everything from Circle Jerks to GBH and The Exploited. An auspicious occasion such as this calls for the best and not one but two local support acts provided that by the bucketload.

First off the rank, Auckland band Nuggiez – Nugz not Drugz kids – delivered a savage set that had a decidedly old school punk rock flavour to it, the kind that makes you scrumptiously smack your lips together. Led by vocalist Tony Clifton they smashed out track after track barely leaving room to breath in between and it was just what the night needed to kick it all off.

All the way from Thames, The Dicks have a reputation that proceeds them; those who have never seen the band perform live before always easy to pick out in a crowd as they are the ones with their jaws on the floor. What appears to be a simple three piece are in fact are a musical machine, the gearbox being the barefooted lead vocalist/guitarist Simon D. Announcing to the crowd that due to illness the infamous fourth member of the band Gus would not be joining them – to which a number of ‘awwwws’ floated up into the air – The Dicks launched into their set.

Lo and behold only moments later a long spindly figure in harem pants and a mermaid scale coat was soon cantering around the stage. Gus had arrived!

The Dicks are a band that seamlessly meld punk rock, metal, outstanding blues and even a touch of ska into their music, the entire package wrapped in humour. Tracks such as ‘Rugby’ and ‘Umnum Pussy’ had the crowd down front pogoing and chanting along with Simon D. Proving that he knows his guitar both inside and out, Simon played like his life depended on it; whether it was with his teeth, behind his head, lying flat on the stage, it made no difference – this was man and instrument fused into one formidable riff smashing beast. Finishing on ‘Dicks and Pussy’ with a chorus that allowed enthusiastic audience participation Simon dropped his guitar on the ground and gave all in attendance a double barrelled one finger salute.

As the clock edged past the hour of ten the atmosphere inside the Powerstation was tense, the level of anticipation high for the arrival of the Dead Kennedys, a band that more than a few of those in attendance tonight had seen thirty-five years ago when they last visited New Zealand.

Walking onto stage to the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and the crowd roared their approval, all hell breaking loose just moments later as ‘Forward to Death’ from the 1980 album Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables exploded in their faces. The Dead Kennedy’s may have formed forty years ago, and along the way faced the turmoil of losing band members – most notably their original vocalist Jello Biafra – but their music has lost none of its fire. While bickering over whether the band is as good without Biafra has hedged the scene for years (and probably will for years to come) last night the Dead Kennedys with Skip McSkipster at the helm proved unequivocally that Yes. They are.

Featuring the foundations of the band in the form of East Bay Ray on lead guitar and Klaus Flouride on bass, the incomparable D.H Peligro – who first joined the band in 1981 – held down the kit with his years of finely tuned skills. But all eyes were on Skip as he pitched about the stage, his movements erratic, his facial expressions lurching between inquisitive and maniacal in the blink of an eye, flashes of a young Henry Rollins slipping in in-between. As ‘Police Truck’ careened through the venue the crowd intensified, hundreds of voices joining that of Skip’s as he spat out the lyrics, periodically jumping down into the security pit to get closer to the fans, offering them the microphone on several occasions.

Interspersing the set with banter, Skip would delightfully troll the audience, derogatory comments about rugby and cities containing nothing but sheep and disease raising ire from a few and mirth from the many who knew better. Following ‘Kill the Poor’ however Skip made comment about being in the moment, wondering aloud how many in attendance were truly present when holding a screen in front of their faces; ‘MP3 Get Off The Web’ a rehash of the original ‘M.T.V. Get off the Air’ an acerbic message about the lives society currently lives behind the consistent glow of their multiple screens. Pointed words also came from D.H. Peligro as he spoke of his respect for New Zealand and their embracement of the Maori language, his gratitude to his fellow band members for not seeing colour genuinely heart felt. Leading an emphatic chant of “Nazi Punks!” to which the audience would bellow the reply of “Fuck Off!” the mosh pit once again exploded as the track ‘Nazi Punks’ obliterated the stage, ‘California Über Alles’ finishing off whatever remained.

An encore followed, ‘Holiday in Cambodia’ just as ferocious live as it always has been, Skip once again thrusting himself and his mic across the barrier, his constant interaction with the crowd appreciated by all; the band, one tight unit.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, these Dead Kennedys are very far from Dead.

Were you there at the Powerstation to witness these Hardcore Punk Rock trailblazers? Or have you seen Dead Kennedys perform live some other time? Tell us about it in the comments below!


Dead Kennedys Setlist, Auckland New Zealand 2018

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  1. Before the concert I was slightly concerned about skip filling jello’s shoes , a big task and not an easy one … as the first songs began to flow , my fears and worries disappeared . Skip was fantastic as was the rest of the gentlemen. They put on a awesome show … I just hope they won’t take 30 years to come back again !

  2. Great review, It was a 10/10 show!

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