Frazey Ford, Auckland NZ, 2017

Frazey Ford performing live in Auckland, New Zealand, 2017. Image by Doug Peters.

Frazey Ford

21st November 2017
The Tuning Fork, Auckland, New Zealand.

Review by John Kidd. Photography by Doug Peters.

Walking into the fantastic little venue that is The Tuning Fork (seriously if you have not been here yet, make it a point to do so; friendly staff, great set up, and a veritable history of music on the walls) I was a little worried about how many would be turning up tonight considering that two musical giants in the form of Stevie Nicks and Chrissie Hynde were playing right next door at Spark Arena (Editors note: you can check out that review here). However I was pleased to observe that a rather solid crowd had gathered to both see and welcome the wonderful Frazey Ford to Auckland.

The Canadian singer-songwriter known for her work as founding member of The Be Good Tanyas – a 90’s alternative band steeped in all the goodness that is folk – was making her debut here in New Zealand this evening and it was heart-warming to see more than just a few delighted and eager faces amongst the audience members.

Settling myself into a good position near the front I quietly sipped my drink (rather welcome on this warm evening) as idle chatter flitted around me. Before too long, the lights dimmed and out she came dressed in a simple but rather elegant matching black sequined top and skirt. Supported by a small band of musicians Ford wasted no time getting straight into the music and delivering the soulful ‘You can be the sun” later telling us “I told the band we were going to play that; they were a little terrified but I think they did good!” the audience agreed wholeheartedly and applauded to confirm the fact.

With two solo albums under her belt – her last being Indian Ocean in 2014 – it was definitely going to be a set of favourites for everyone. ‘Bird of Paradise’ from her first album entitled Obadiah (also her middle name given to her by her brothers when she was born) had the audience swaying in unison to her sultry tones; Ford having the amazing ability to calm even the nosiest of minds with her laid back tunes.

Obviously feeling relaxed and comfortable with the audience, chit chat flowed easily, Ford speaking of their walking trip up Mt Eden earlier in the day. However there were some more serious matters obviously playing on her mind too as she spoke about the #MeToo campaign and how she strongly agreed with it before moving into the rather lyrically appropriate ‘Natural Law’. While an extremely important topic, certainly in these current ever changing times the overall feeling of the evening was one of tranquillity, with Fords honeyed voice pouring forth and embracing one and all within its sweetened walls; even some minor issues during ‘Natural Law’ couldn’t fluster the lovely Ford, who took it all well within her stride.

Crowd favourites ‘September Fields’ and the ever popular ‘Blue Streak Mama’ elicited some very vocal responses from the crowd; Ford taking the opportunity to veer off set list to drop a few new tunes in the laps of those in attendance tonight. Judging by the well thought out composition of these latest works Ford’s third album will certainly be a doozy.

Tales of her French Bulldog (who has its own Instagram account) and a teenage son with a propensity for texting his mother back days down the track slotted in seamlessly between songs and gave the evening a feeling of familiarity between both artist and audience.

As with most shows the crowd played the encore game – Ford even making light of the whole exercise; but it was a great way of raising the energy level of the room in preparation for one of Ford’s latest offerings; a rather inspired cover of ‘When we get by’ by D’Angelo. Following it up with another of her popular covers ‘The harder they come’ by Jimmy Cliff, Ford rounded out her set impeccably with both ‘Firecracker’ and ‘Indian Ocean’.

Soul replenished I left the venue with a smile on my face and a song in my heart; isn’t that what all good shows should leave you with?

Were you there at The Tuning Fork for this beautiful intimate gig? Or have you seen Frazey Ford perform live somewhere else before? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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1 Comment

  1. After attending Frazer Ford’s Auckland gig in 2017 and loving it I was interested in what her show was like this time around. Sadly,other than you not enjoying the experience I learnt nothing about her set list or band or anything really.Sorry you had such a bad time.

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