LANY, Auckland NZ, 2017

26th July 2017
Powerstation, Auckland, New Zealand.

Review and Photography by Sarah Kidd.

LANY performing live in Auckland, New Zealand 2017. Image by Sarah Kidd.

The front row tonight is filled with red roses and beaming smiles as LANY – the three piece from LA, California took to the stage. This evening’s show is all ages, a rather rare event at the Powerstation, so there was much excited giggling and chattering as fans lined the barrier like moss on bark, clinging to every available space, phones in one hand and a tribute to their favourite band in the other. For many this was their first show … ever. The significance, not at all lost on some of the veterans of the concert scene; whether good or bad, a first concert memory remains a cherished one for life.

So it was wonderful to see lead vocalist Paul Klein, ensure that those first few rows were indeed treated to something very special.

The stage was set out very simply, both Jake Goss’s drum kit and Priest’s guitar/keyboard combo stand set back and shrouded in smoke. Klein, who had his own double keyboards and on stage guitar stand was front and centre for the duration of the show, the juxtaposition of his light and energy played beautifully against the smoke veiled and more reserved performances of the other aforementioned members. Kicking off their set with ‘Dumb Stuff’, Klein dressed in a simple t-shirt and striped cotton pants bounced on stage as the fans screamed their approval. Proving he is certainly multi-instrumental, he moved between the keyboards and guitar with ease before once again bounding across the stage. By the third song ‘Yeah Babe, No Way’ Klein was lying on his back across – what was by now – an almost hysterical front row, singing into the microphone as one fan timidly stroked his mid shoulder length locks, and another threw her arm across his waist.

Emerging no more than three years ago, LANY, who specialise in melodic electro-pop tunes that are catchy as all hell, have been touring almost nonstop in support of their former three EP’s and now their debut self-titled album released just last month. Draping a large NZ flag around his shoulders, thrown to him by another young fan, Klein periodically thanked the audience and advised all in attendance that this was their first trip to NZ and that they were beyond excited to be here. Klein recently stated in an interview that both he and the band were certainly overjoyed to be coming to New Zealand; for Klein personally due to it being the home of one of his favourite Kiwi artists, the irrepressible Brooke Fraser.

Klein displayed impressive vocal skills tonight, his voice maintaining an even tone throughout despite him often demonstrating to the crowd just how he would like them to jump on the spot. The fans certainly knew their stuff as they sang to each and every word, a few breaking away to free dance at the back of the venue, their excitement no longer being able to be contained to just one spot. ‘Good Girls’ saw LANY briefly hold the hand of the only male fan in the front row; the teenager beside himself with emotion. He was later gifted a copy of the set list, his eyes lighting up as he clutched it to his chest, announcing that this was indeed the best first concert ever.

Coming to the end of the set, the fans were treated to a low lit solo by Klein on the keyboards, the crowd gently swaying as he crooned to them, his hair now tied back in a messy bun. An encore was of course demanded with much enthusiasm, the band delivering ‘Walk Away’ from their 2015 EP Make Out before quickly following it up with ‘Super Far’ from the album. But there was still one song that the fans hadn’t heard yet. They knew it and the band knew it, the anticipation (inter mingled with slight desperation, the thought of the track not being played live tonight a cause for serious consternation amongst some of the younger fans!) rippling through the crowd.

But as the opening notes of ‘ILYSB’ (I Love You So Bad for the uninitiated) rang out, a collective sigh rose gently into the air before being swiftly replaced with screams of joy; many of the audience hugging each other before bellowing out the lyrics in time to the song. Klein a huge smile on his face, acknowledging just how much love there was in the air tonight.

First concert memories can’t get much better than that.

Were you there at the Powerstation for this amazing electro-pop show? Or have you seen LANY perform live somewhere else before? Tell us about it in the comments below!

  1. Dumb Stuff
  2. Forever
  3. Yeah Babe, No Way
  4. Bad Bad Bad
  5. The Break Up
  6. Flowers
  7. Someone Else
  8. Purple Teeth
  9. It Was Love
  10. Where The Hell Are My Friends
  11. Good Girls
  12. Mades
  13. Like You Lots
  14. Pink Skies
  15. Current
  16. Walk Away (encore)
  17. Super Far (encore)
  18. ILYSB (encore)

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